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Eucerin UREA Repair Plus 10% Urea Foot Foam 150ml

KRW 38069.0


Payment will be taken every month. months.


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Image 1, benefits = foot foam for very dry and rough skin, immediate and 48 hour dry skin relief. revitalizes and supports skin regeneration, dermatologically proven. Image 2, key ingredients, UREA improves skin, hydration and makes the skin smoother. ceramides strengthens the skin's barrier and prevent moisture loss. natural moisturizing factors, bind moisture to skin, preventing it from drying out. Image 3, discover more, washing fluid, 10% lotion, hand cream. Image 4, customer review, lindy said - for cracked heels, this product is awesome, back to healthy, soft feet. Image 5, consumers confirm 100% moisturizes and relieves very dry skin. *product in use study, 172 women with dry skin aged between 25 and 75, two weeks of regular use.


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라이브챗 연결시 소요되는 시간 평균 25초

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