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APP구매시 추가 10% off

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APP구매시 추가 10% off
APP 구매시 추가 10% off

OLAPLEX products are thoroughly tested in accordance with industry standards in-house and by independent third-party laboratories for efficacy.

Image 1 to 3, Before and after model shots. Image 4, Before you wash your hair with no3 hair perfector reduces breakage and Visibly strengthens hair, cleanse your hair with no4 bond maintenance shampoo that cleans, soft shiny hair without stripping or dryness, hydrate your hair with no5 bond maintenance conditioner that nourishes hair to prevent frizz damage and split ends. Image 5, the environment comes first, together with our updated carbon negative footprint from 2015 to 2021, we eliminate 35mm pounds of GHG from being emitted to the environment, we save 44k gallons of water from being wasted and 2we protect 57mm trees from being deforested. Image 6, product benefits - All hair types, PH Balanced, vegan, cruelty-free, gluten-free, nut-free, paraben-free, phthalates free, phosphate-free and sulfate free. Image 7, hair cuticle before and after.


라이브챗 연결시 소요되는 시간 평균 25초

라이브챗 연결시 소요되는 시간 평균 25초

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