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Slip Silk Pillowcase - Queen - Pink
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Slip Silk Pillowcase - Queen - Pink
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Slip Silk Large Scrunchies (Various Colours)
로부터 ₩65,520
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Slip Silk Pillowcase - Queen - Pink + Slip Silk Large Scrunchies (Various Colours)
Slip Silk Pillowcase - Queen - Pink
선택하신 제품
Slip Silk Pillowcase - Queen - Pink
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추천 제품
Slip Silk Large Scrunchies (Various Colours)
로부터 ₩65,520
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슬립 실크 필로우케이스 - 퀸, 색조

KRW 149520.0


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25% 할인 - 할인코드: BEYOU

25% 할인 - 할인코드: BEYOU
25% 할인 - 할인코드: BEYOU
25% 할인 - 할인코드: BEYOU

Image 1, Why switch to a slip pure silk pillowcase? Real results, real benefits IN just 4 nights! Clinically shown to visibly improve: the appearance of fine lines, skin hydration, skin texture and smoothness and skin is radiance, luminosity or brightness. Over 95% of users agreed on sleep creases, sleep lines and sleep wrinkles were fewer and less noticeable. Image 2 to 4- Images showing results from 2 nights on a satin pillow case and 2 nights on a slip silk pillowcase. Image 5, real results- real benefits statistics: 96% of users agreed that their hair had less knots upon waking after making the switch to slip from a synthetic (non silk) satin pillowcase over 96% of users agreed that their hand had less tangles upon waking after making the switch to slip from a cotton pillowcase.. 90% of users agreed that their skin felt more moisturised or hydrated after making the switch to slip from a synthetic (non silk_ satin pillowcase, over 84% of users agreed that their ski felt more moisturised or hydrated after making the switch to slip from a cotton pillowcase. Image 6, Slip is the no.1 preferred brand of silk pillowcases by dermatologists for their patients, themselves and their families, in a survey of US dermatologists. Learn more at slip.com


라이브챗 연결시 소요되는 시간 평균 25초

라이브챗 연결시 소요되는 시간 평균 25초

많은 고객분들이 함께 구매하는 제품

Slip Silk Pillowcase - Queen - Pink
선택하신 제품
Slip Silk Pillowcase - Queen - Pink
명암 선택하기
추천 제품
Slip Silk Large Scrunchies (Various Colours)
로부터 ₩65,520
명암 선택하기
Slip Silk Pillowcase - Queen - Pink + Slip Silk Large Scrunchies (Various Colours)
Slip Silk Pillowcase - Queen - Pink
선택하신 제품
Slip Silk Pillowcase - Queen - Pink
명암 선택하기
추천 제품
Slip Silk Large Scrunchies (Various Colours)
로부터 ₩65,520
명암 선택하기

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